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Dr. Ouellette is your local CEREC® dentist for single-visit tooth restorations.

What is CEREC?

CEREC is a technology for restoring damaged teeth, and this restoration can be completed in a single visit to the doctor's office. It makes your teeth stronger and more beautiful — all while keeping your teeth looking natural. The restoration is metal-free and the high-grade ceramic material is compatible with the natural tissue found in your mouth.

The CEREC Process

First, your doctor will meet with you to discuss the details of the procedure. During the procedure, the doctor will apply a thin layer of reflective powder onto your tooth and will use a special camera to take a photo of your tooth. Using Computer Aided Design, the photo serves as a "map" to design your tooth's restoration. Then, CEREC will use a diamond bur and disk-work to create your restoration piece out of ceramic. Finally, the ceramic restoration is bonded to your tooth using state-of-the-art adhesive dentistry.

Learn more about CEREC on their web site at www.cereconline.com.

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